Analysis Study on Partial Discharge Magnitudes to the Parallel and Perpendicular Axis of a Cylindrical Cavity
Srinivasa D M, Harish B N, Harisha K S "A Survey on Smart Posters in Android using NFC and QR-Code", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(7),334-337 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The phenomenon of partial discharges (PDs) gives important information to the reliability of the high voltage power equipment. PDs occur in weaker regions like voids, cracks, and imperfections present inside the insulation. The partial Discharge(PD) is generally accepted as the predominant cause of long term degradation and failure of electrical insulation. Simulation environment is a significant approach towards the study of PD mechanism. In this paper, simulations of partial discharge with the cylindrical void whose axis parallel and perpendicular to the electric field was analysed. The parameters like PD magnitude, partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV)and apparent charge with respect to the geometric parameters of the void and also under different stress conditions. The relationship of PD magnitude with respect to the axes of the cavity in the direction of the electric field has been compared.
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Partial Discharges, Solid Insulation, Cylindrical Void, Apparent Charge.