Implementation of High Performance Vedic Multiplier Based on Efficient carry select adder
Anupama.k, Mrs.Lisa.c "Implementation of High Performance Vedic Multiplier Based on Efficient carry select adder", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V45(9),443-448 March 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In digital system multiplication is one of
the most important function. Vedic maths, one of the
ancient mathematics system make this tedious task
much simple, efficient and suitable for VLSI
implementation. This project implements high
performance Vedic multiplier based on efficient
square root carry select adder (SCSLA).The heart of
a multiplier is adder.In this project the improvement
is done on the adder to improve the total
performance of the multiplier.In the existing system
the first stage of SCSLA is RCA(ripple carry adder)
with Cin=0 and second stage is BCE-1(Binary to
excess one) converter.In moderrn digital systems
parallel prefix adders(PPA) have been considered as
the most efficient system for binary addition.
Here,the first stage of the square root carry select
adder is replaced by efficient and most common
parallel prefix adders (PPA) such as Kogg stone
adder(KSA),Brent-kung adder(BKA) and the hybrid
of these two the Han Carlson adder (HCA). A
comparative study is carried out to find out the
efficient vedic multiplier with parallel prefix adder
based SCLA .The result analysis shows that Vedic
multiplier with HCA based squre root carry select
adder exhibits efficient performance.The system is
coded in Verilog HDL(hardware description
language)and simulation,synthesis is carried out by
using Model Sim 6.4a,Xilinx 14.5i.The
implementation is done on Xilinx Spartan
3E FPGA(field programmable gate array).
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Brent-kung adder(BKA),Han-carlson
adder(HCA),Kogg-stone adder(KSA), Parallel
prefix adder(PPA), Ripple carry adder(RCA),Square
root carry select adder(SCSLA), Vedic multiplier.