Denoiser Properties; An analysis
Chege Simon, Dr. Suman Mishra "Denoiser Properties; An analysis", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V46(5),282-288 April 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
The main role of a denoising algorithm is
to remove noise, errors or perturbations from a
signal. A lot of research has been achieved in this
area and therefore today’s denoisers can effectively
remove large amounts of additive noise. A
compressive sensing (CS) reconstruction algorithm
scheme seeks to recover a structured signal acquired
using a relatively small number of randomized
measurements. Typical CS reconstruction
algorithms schemes can be cast as iteratively
estimating a signal from a perturbed observation.
There is an ongoing research on how to effectively
employ a generic Denoiser in a CS reconstruction
algorithm. The AMP reconstruction technique has
proven to integrate with most denoisers (DAMP)
and offers an enhanced CS recovery
performance while operating tens of times faster
than competing methods. This paper seeks to look
into an explanation of the exceptional performance
of D-AMP by analyzing some of its theoretical
properties and features.
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Denoising, Compressive Sensing,
Approximate Message Passing.