Impact of Parametric Variations on Chaotic Behaviour of Indirect Field Controlled Induction Motor Drives
Mirza Abdul Waris Begh, Bharat Bhushan Sharma "Impact of Parametric Variations on Chaotic Behaviour of Indirect Field Controlled Induction Motor Drives", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V54(1),41-47 December 2017. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
Controlling complex chaotic systems and analyzing
their behavior have emerged as an attractive field of
exploration in different domains of engineering. Over the
years, large number of mathematical tools are developed to
identify and control the typical behaviour of these systems.
The work presented in this manuscript explores chaos in
nonlinear dynamics of an indirect field controlled induction
motor drive system. For this exploration, impact of variation
in rotor inductance is considered while assuming the load
torque to be fixed. Chaotic attractors are first verified by
investigating Lyapunov Exponents. The range of parametric
variation is explored to check for the events where chaos can
creep into the system again. Finally, an attempt is made to
measure the transition point between stability and instability
of the chaotic system. This is verified using the Lyapunov
Exponent measure and the phase plots. The detailed simulation
results highlight the efficacy of the methodology to identify the
chaotic behaviour of the induction motor.
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Chaotic behaviour, Field Controlled Induction
Motor, Hopf Bifurcation, Chaos Control.