Analyze and optimize the Process Parameters of Electrochemical Machining of Ti6Al4V Using Orthogonal Array (OA8)
S.Muralidharan, S.Balaji, M.PalaninathaRaja "Analyze and optimize the Process Parameters of Electrochemical Machining of Ti6Al4V Using Orthogonal Array (OA8)", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V55(1),16-20 January 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
With the rapid growth of aerospace performance, the machining quality and dimensional accuracy of aerospace parts is becoming important. To obtain excellent dimensional performance diaphragms of shafts turn more complex. In addition, because of their high strength, high temperature stability and corrosion resistance titanium alloys have found wider applications in aero-engine blade materials for which traditional machining methods fetch poor surface results. Electrochemical Machining (ECM) is an unconventional machining process in which there is no residual stress in the material. Also the machining quality and dimensional accuracy are increased. The thesis deals with main issues concerning ECM process parameters such as machining voltage, inter-electrode gap, processing time, temperature, stirring speed and flow rate. Process parameters are carried out as one-factor-at-a-time approach to analyze their effect on removal rate. Once their response is strong a DOE technique is chosen for optimization. Orthogonal array (OA8) involves eight treatment conditions of seven factors against response. Dominant level of each factor is determined. Strongest factors are chosen at their dominant levels for conformation run. The results are found to be in accordance with the one obtained from theoretical calculations. Factors that have strong effects at dominant level are yielded higher machining rate around 37.66 ?/min and surface roughness (Ra) around 0.13 ?m.
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Electrochemical Machining, Ti6Al4V alloy, Orthogonal Array (OA8), Surface Roughness(Ra).