Development of a Local Area Electronic Policing System for Security Enhancement

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2018 by IJETT Journal
Volume-60 Number-2
Year of Publication : 2018
Authors : Olumuyiwa, O. Fagbohun and Oyeyemi, M. Fagbohun
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V60P212


Olumuyiwa, O. Fagbohun and Oyeyemi, M. Fagbohun "Development of a Local Area Electronic Policing System for Security Enhancement", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V60(2),83-96 June 2018. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group

Electronic policing system is becoming more and more appreciated than State and Community based policing, with its attendant advantages of prompt information dissemination and retrievals, ease of documentation, as well as in- the act apprehension of criminals support for ease of judgment. In this work, the design of a Local Area Electronic Policing System for a typical local policing station covering a large area or community is presented. The local Area Electronic Policing System consists of a receiver, and Local Area Electronic policing controller (LAEPC). The receiver circuit consists of an AM receiver and a comparator circuit. The basic purpose of a receiver is to receive an RF signal, amplify it, filter it to remove unwanted signals, and recover the desired base band information. The LAEPC input is the digital output signal from the receiver circuit. The LAEPC converts the serial information received to parallel information which is transferred to the microcontroller 80CH51 circuit, which works on the received signals, to generate the required code, from the developed program, to the on –line microcomputer for interpretation; being used to locate the distress point of call DPOC address and relevant information on the distress caller from the system database. The response of the receiving rf amplifier gives an output voltage of 660mV for an input response of 18mV, further amplified using common source FET amplifier to give 4.5V; with bode-plot response of the receiver to the incoming signals giving a resonant frequency of 483.35kHz and a gain of 27.734dB. The reliability of the design LAEPC was determined to give 74.5% for continuous operation in a year. The designed LAEPC with its attachments in conjunction with the use One touch Sender OTS from the distress caller end , will increase the “caught- in the –act” scheme as against the present “after –the- act “ investigations being adopted by the Police to combat crime in developing Countries. The “caught- in the –act” scheme is necessary to prove the case of criminality beyond any reasonable doubt, in a law court.

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Local policing Station, Local electronic policing controller, Receiver, Comparator, Microcontroller.