Fire Safety Preparedness in Building Construction Sites in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania
MLA Style: Jaffari S. Jongo, Dennis N.G.A.K. Tesha, Valentine G.M. Luvara, Justine J. Teyanga, Evelyine T. Makule "Fire Safety Preparedness in Building Construction Sites in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 66.3 (2018): 154-169.
APA Style:Jaffari S. Jongo, Dennis N.G.A.K. Tesha, Valentine G.M. Luvara, Justine J. Teyanga, Evelyine T. Makule (2018). Fire Safety Preparedness in Building Construction Sites in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 66(3), 154-169.
Fire, apart from being very useful, and an essential good for human being; it can be very dangerous, when it occurs where it is not needed, and unprepared. The study main objective was to assess fire safety preparedness in building construction sites in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania; specifically looking into assessing awareness on fire safety preparedness among building construction site workers, examining the existing situation of the building construction sites on the provision of fire safety preparedness gears, and at the end recommending on the possible measures to improve fire safety preparedness in building construction sites.The research design adopted in this study was descriptive survey research. Questionnaire, focus group discussion and observation were used to collect data in which 48 questionnaires were distributed, and 42 of thequestionnaires returned,alongside with the focus group discussions containing 40 respondents from different construction sites. Simple, randomly and purposively sampling methods were used in selection of the study sample. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS, and Microsoft excel, presented in charts, plates, frequency table and percentage form for easy interpretations.The study findings revealed that; fire safety preparedness awareness was low among majority of site laborers in the selected construction sites, due to inadequacy of trainings to site laborers, and unawareness on the uses of firefighting gears. Moreover, the study revealed that; most of site staff are aware on the fire safety measures due to their participation in different trainings. Likewise, the provision of firefighting equipment in construction site, is still low in most of building construction sites. The study also found that; fire and safety drills were not regularly conducted, and there was lack of an assembly point in construction sites. The study recommends on; the conduction of fire safety trainings, campaigning through different media in order to raise awareness on fire safety preparedness, compliance with different statutory requirements such as Fire Rescue Acts, OSHA, and other regulatory status, so as to ensure maximum state of preparedness in case of fire outbreak in building construction sites.
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Fire, Safety, Preparedness, Building, Construction Sites, Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania.