Learning and Recognition of Primitive Threedimensional Shapes using Solid Angles
MLA Style: Satoshi Kodama, Kota Endo "Learning and Recognition of Primitive Threedimensional Shapes using Solid Angles" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.12 (2019):74-82.
APA Style:Satoshi Kodama, Kota Endo. Learning and Recognition of Primitive Threedimensional Shapes using Solid Angles International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(12),74-82.
Unlike two-dimensional shapes, recognition of three-dimensional shapes has various backgrounds depending on the viewpoint and rotation of the object; thus, shape recognition using machine learning techniques is very difficult. Generally, the black box nature of deep learning is problematic from an accountability perspective. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method to evaluate the similarity for learning by focusing on polygons that make up a threedimensional shape and the solid angle for them. The value and pattern of the three-dimensional angle differ for each object shape; thus, by classifying based on the results of the proposed method, it is possible to perform learning and shape recognition. In this study, we verified the effectiveness of learning using three-dimensional angles and shape recognition by creating multiple primitive shapes as samples. In addition, we verified for threedimensional shape deformed part of the threedimensional primitive shape. As a result, using the solid angle, it was confirmed that can be effectively determined for three-dimensional primitive shapes.
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Shape recognition, Shape learning, Pattern recognition, Shape Registration, Solid angle.