Different an Approach About Determination of Critical Submergence and Preventing Vortex in Deep Well Pumps

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2019 by IJETT Journal
Volume-67 Issue-8
Year of Publication : 2019
Authors : Nuri ORHAN
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V67I8P210


MLA Style: Nuri ORHAN"Different an Approach About Determination of Critical Submergence and Preventing Vortex in Deep Well Pumps" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.8 (2019): 65-68.

APA Style:Nuri ORHAN. Different an Approach About Determination of Critical Submergence and Preventing Vortex in Deep Well PumpsInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(8), 65-68.

This study was conducted on a deep well simulator for typical irrigation purposes. In this article the changes of the critical submergence (Sc) for deep well pumps was determined by taking into account the vacuum pressure measured at the pump inlet axis for a specific criterion. Pump vacuum pressure was determined with the aid of U-pipe differential monometer. When the pump is running, the is generated drawdown and vacuum pressure as depending flow rate. When the pump is run constantly flow rate and the submergence is reduced, the vacuum pressure is increased due to the decreasing water load. When the submergence continues to decrease, in the manometer mercury level is equalized. When the mercury levels in the right and left arms were equal, it determined as the critical submergence of dynamic level the pump at this flow rate. The possibility of vortex in the water at low submergence of the pump is very high. Vortex is an undesirable condition for the pump. The vortexes formed at different submergence of the pumps were imaged by camera. Vortexes were determined to occur at lower submergence. The submergence was called as vortex submergence (Sv). All vortex submergence levels were determined below the critical submergence level. The operation of the pumps above the critical submergence levels determined by measuring the vacuum pressure were prevents the formation of vortex.

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Vortex, Critical Submergence, Submergence, Deep Well Pumps