Lignocellulose chemical composition and handsheet surface morphology analysis on oil palm residue biodelignification treatment using Bacillus cereus from Coptotermus curvignathus

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2020 by IJETT Journal
Volume-68 Issue-12
Year of Publication : 2020
Authors : Sharfina Mutia Syarifah, Ashuvila Mohd Aripin, Ayeronfe Fadilat, Angzzas Sari Mohd Kassim
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V68I12P217


MLA Style: Sharfina Mutia Syarifah, Ashuvila Mohd Aripin, Ayeronfe Fadilat, Angzzas Sari Mohd Kassim. Lignocellulose chemical composition and handsheet surface morphology analysis on oil palm residue biodelignification treatment using Bacillus cereus from Coptotermus curvignathus International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 68.12(2020):99-107. 

APA Style:Sharfina Mutia Syarifah, Ashuvila Mohd Aripin, Ayeronfe Fadilat, Angzzas Sari Mohd Kassim. Lignocellulose chemical composition and handsheet surface morphology analysis on oil palm residue biodelignification treatment using Bacillus cereus from Coptotermus curvignathus.  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 68(12), 99-107.

Handsheet production in the industrial sector consumed high energy and environmentally unfriendly due to mechanical and chemical methods for the delignification process. In this research, Bacillus cereus isolated from termite (Coptotermes curvignathus) gut’s bacteria was used for biodelignification on palm oil biomasses: oil palm leaves (OPL), oil palm trunk (OPT), and empty fruit bunch (EFB). The biodelignification efficiency was analyzed through lignocellulose chemical composition and surface morphology. Lignocelluloses analysis was tested using technical association pulp and paper industry TAPPI T 222 om-02 (lignin content), Kurscher-Hoffner (holocellulose and hemicellulose content), and Chlorite (cellulose content). The highest lignin reduction by Bacillus cereus was 21.7% for treated EFB, followed by OPT (7.0%) and OPL (9.2%). EFB also showed the highest reduction of gap area (76.9%) for scanning electron microscope (SEM) and image analysis with the lowest gap average area (0.03 mm2) compared with untreated OPL, which were 26.3% and 1.63 mm2, respectively. Therefore, the EFB handsheet produced showed to be the best potential for industrial commercial.

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oil palm handsheet, biodelignification, lignocellulose, (SEM), empty fruit bunch (EFB).