A Real And Accurate Semantic Search Indexing Approach Using Asvm Machine In Big Data Analytics
MLA Style: Y.Krishna Bhargavi, Dr. Yelisetty Ssr Murthy, Dr.O.Srinivasa Rao "A Real And Accurate Semantic Search Indexing Approach Using Asvm Machine In Big Data Analytics" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.2(2021):144-159.
APA Style:Y.Krishna Bhargavi, Dr. Yelisetty Ssr Murthy, Dr.O.Srinivasa Rao. A Real And Accurate Semantic Search Indexing Approach Using Asvm Machine In Big Data Analytics. International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(2), 144-159.
Big data is a receiver of information to give accurate search and relevant content for better work efficiency-experience. In earlier days, many semantic algorithms have been designed to improve effective content searching, but these are facing limitations. The information being retrieved and content filtering help future applications to get comfortable with operations. Web browsing and its recommendation systems are currently facing inaccurate content tracking, and hence the users cannot acquire the required information. In this research work, an adaptive SVM-based semantic search technique has been designed for big data applications. The method is calculating the performance measures like query time, building time, accuracy, average precision, stdError, SSR. Here, the presented KVASIR-ASVM architectural design encounters the existing systems and finally enhancing the accuracy to 99.72% and recalling at a rate of 0.997%. These experimental results outperform the methodology and compete with current technology.
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semantic search, ASVM, bigdata, Internet, query time.