Formal Specification & Verification of Checkpoint Algorithm for Distributed Systems using Event - B

  IJETT-book-cover  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT)          
© 2021 by IJETT Journal
Volume-69 Issue-4
Year of Publication : 2021
Authors : Bal Krishna Saraswat, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav
DOI :  10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V69I4P201


MLA Style: Bal Krishna Saraswat, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav  "Formal Specification & Verification of Checkpoint Algorithm for Distributed Systems using Event - B" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 69.4(2021):1-9. 

APA Style:Bal Krishna Saraswat, Raghuraj Suryavanshi, Divakar Yadav. Formal Specification & Verification of Checkpoint Algorithm for Distributed Systems using Event - B  International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 69(4),1-9.

Using formal methods to design a system model, and then specifying and verifying critical properties of that model is a way to design safety critical systems. Modeling can be done by a proper methodology so that one can analyze proposed behavior of the models quantitatively. Formal method used to develop the distributed system models is Event - B. This approach consists of meticulously defining the problem in a conceptual model, incorporating problem solutions or design information in the refinement steps for the sake of obtaining concrete requirements, and checking the accuracy of explanations offered. The existing B tools offer substantial automatic proof assistance to generate and discharge the proof obligations. The various processes at different locations are linked by the network in a distributed system. They communicate with each other by sending messages. A checkpoint is a process’s saved local state. If the global state created by the saved states is consistent, a collection of checkpoints, one per system process, is consistent. In this paper a refined methodology is introduced for the development of distributed system models using Event-B, in which processes coordinate their checkpoint through broadcasting messages to always create a consistent set of checkpoints. A formal logic method is needed to understand the behavior of these techniques and achieve the goals.

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Event-B, Formal Verification, Distributed systems, Recovery, Checkpoint, Formal Specifications, tentative checkpoint number, permanent checkpoint number, Formal Methods.