An Improved Uniform Illustration Based Regression Testing By A Novel Heuristic Based Machine Learning Model
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U.Sivaji, Dr.P.Srinivasa Rao, "An Improved Uniform Illustration Based Regression Testing By A Novel Heuristic Based Machine Learning Model," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 69, no. 5, pp. 177-185, 2021. Crossref,
The regression testing process is defined as the testing progression, which is utilized for verifying the software or code changes without altering the original characteristics of the code. Nevertheless, the execution process is required high resources and time that reduced the accurate detection rate. In this research, a novel Optimized Levy C4.5 Mechanism (OLCM) approach is introduced for performing regression testing. Here, the selected test cases are ordered based on the weightage of test cases and it effectively detects the faults. Moreover, the fitness function of the proposed OLCM module is performed the regression testing and enhance the performance of the system. Moreover, the developed OLCM module is implemented using Network Simulator 2 that is attaining a high detection rate with lower execution time and resource utilization. Additionally, the obtained results are validated with prevailing regression testing methods for evaluating the efficiency of the proposed OLCM approach.
Regression testing, test suite, C4.5 algorithm, test case prioritization, levy flight optimization
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