Simulation of Forced Oscillations of Pressure Monitoring Devices
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S.P. Pirogov, D.A. Cherentsov, A.Yu. Chuba, N.N. Ustinov, "Simulation of Forced Oscillations of Pressure Monitoring Devices," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 37-47, 2022. Crossref,
Harsh working conditions, as well as vibrations of technological process units and unstable load intensity, impose high standards on overpressure monitoring devices that ensure the required measurement accuracy and trouble-free operation. Using manometer gauges today is a mandatory requirement for monitoring overpressure. Manometric tubular springs have become widespread in various fields of technology. Therefore, the issue of determining the forced fluctuations of the manometric tubular springs becomes more significant. The article presents a mathematical model of forced oscillations of the manometric tubular springs based on Lagrange equations of the second kind. A program has been developed in MATLAB based on the proposed model, which allows determining the required characteristics of pressure monitoring devices to exclude the possible occurrence of resonance. The presented model can be successfully used to calculate standard manometric tube designs since it is a classical approach to solving vibrations problems of mechanical systems.
Manometric tubular spring, forced oscillations, forced oscillation frequencies, Lagrange equations of the second kind, MATLAB.
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