Design of an Efficient Blockchain-Based Tracing Model to Identify the Source of Software Bugs Via Log Analysis

Design of an Efficient Blockchain-Based Tracing Model to Identify the Source of Software Bugs Via Log Analysis

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Darshana Tambe, Lata Ragha
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I7P114

How to Cite?

Darshana Tambe, Lata Ragha, "Design of an Efficient Blockchain-Based Tracing Model to Identify the Source of Software Bugs Via Log Analysis," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 124-136, 2024. Crossref,

In the rapidly evolving software development landscape, accurate and timely identification of the source of bugs remains a challenging task. Despite advances in the field, existing tracing models frequently fail to provide real-time traceability and suffer from limitations in terms of processing efficiency and accuracy. In light of these shortcomings, this work proposes an innovative approach that leverages blockchain technology to mitigate these issues for different scenarios. This paper presents the design of an efficient blockchain-based tracing model that aims to enhance the precision, accuracy, and speed of identifying the origin of software bugs via log analysis. The proposed model is predicated on a novel consensus mechanism known as Proof of Tracing (PoTr), wherein miner nodes are selected based on their demonstrated tracing capabilities. Through iterative evaluation during the training and validation phases, we assess the efficiency of a node in tracing events to facilitate its participation in the blockchains. Central to this proposed approach is the incorporation of traceability and distributed processing among various software components within the blockchain models. The distinctive feature of our model is its ability to leverage distributed ledger technology, providing immutable, transparent, and decentralized logs for efficient bug-tracing operations. Compared with recently proposed tracing models, our approach using the PoTr model delivers a remarkable improvement in the precision of source tracing by 8.5%, accuracy of tracing by 5.9%, recall of tracing by 8.3%, and a reduction in the delay necessary for tracing by 10.5%. In conclusion, the proposed research demonstrates the potential of the blockchain-based tracing model in overcoming the limitations of existing software bug identification mechanisms. This work paves the way for future research and development efforts that integrate blockchain technology and sophisticated consensus mechanisms to improve the robustness and efficiency of software debugging and maintenance processes.

Blockchain technology, Software bug tracing, Log analysis, Proof of Tracing (PoTr), Consensus mechanisms.

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