Study of Mechanical Properties of Locally Spun Yarn and Woven Fabric Obtained from Sisal Fibers From Njombe-Cameroon

Study of Mechanical Properties of Locally Spun Yarn and Woven Fabric Obtained from Sisal Fibers From Njombe-Cameroon

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-7
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Dydimus NKEMAJA EFEZE, Anne-Marie NDZIE BIDIMA II, Fabien BETENE EBANDA, Pierre Marcel Anicet NOAH, Abdouramane NSANGOU, Timothée Thierry ODI ENYEGUE
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I7P133

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Dydimus NKEMAJA EFEZE, Anne-Marie NDZIE BIDIMA II, Fabien BETENE EBANDA, Pierre Marcel Anicet NOAH, Abdouramane NSANGOU, Timothée Thierry ODI ENYEGUE, "Study of Mechanical Properties of Locally Spun Yarn and Woven Fabric Obtained from Sisal Fibers From Njombe-Cameroon," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 7, pp. 302-311, 2024. Crossref,

Since the physical properties of the leaf fibers are not compatible with the mechanisms of industrial cotton spinning and weaving machines, attempts have been made to spin and weave sisal fibers locally. This work aims to characterize the local spun and woven obtained from the sisal fiber. To conduct this study, sisal leaves from the locality of Njombé-Cameroon were used as raw material. Fiber extraction was done by manual scraping technique. The obtained agave sisalana fibers were hand-spun from samples with 04 identical fibers under an "S" direction twist. Different weaves were used to obtain 3 types of fabrics: plain, satin and twill. Similarly, the mechanical properties of the fibers, yarns, and weaves were also studied using a universal tensile testing machine. Statistical analysis of the results revealed an average modulus of elasticity of sisal fibers equal to 1018.72MPa, yarn of 130MPa, whose linear density is 140 Tex and an equivalent tenacity of 694.65 cN/Tex. The average modulus of elasticity of fabrics respectively in the weft and warp direction according to the weaves: plain 31.56 MPa and 29.51 MPa, satin 19.60 MPa and 23.65 MPa, then twill 32.7 MPa and 43.4 MPa. This effectively reflects a variation in mechanical characteristics after each spinning and weaving process.

Spinning, Weaving, Mechanical Characteristics, Sisal.

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