Automatic Text Extraction from a Cockpit Panel through Optical Character Recognition Algorithm using Color-Intelligent RGB to Black and White Conversion Method

Automatic Text Extraction from a Cockpit Panel through Optical Character Recognition Algorithm using Color-Intelligent RGB to Black and White Conversion Method

© 2024 by IJETT Journal
Volume-72 Issue-9
Year of Publication : 2024
Author : Joseph Chakravarthi Chavali, D. Abraham Chandy
DOI : 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I9P102

How to Cite?
Joseph Chakravarthi Chavali, D. Abraham Chandy, "Automatic Text Extraction from a Cockpit Panel through Optical Character Recognition Algorithm using Color-Intelligent RGB to Black and White Conversion Method," International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 18-32, 2024. Crossref,

The functionality and failure conditions of Aircraft Systems are displayed by different indicator lights along with appropriate text messages on a Cockpit panel. The text messages from the Cockpit Panel will provide a clear picture of an aircraft system’s serviceability, malfunction, and failure. Thus, reading text messages can find the correct cause of an incident or accident in addition to a Flight Data Recorder (FDR). Character recognition of a text message is one of the major research areas in video analytics. The existing Optical Character Recognition (OCR) algorithm provides accurate character recognition in images, but its performance is not adequate for the analysis of video with different Vue and saturation conditions. The reflection and glare present in the video also degrade the performance of the OCR. Recent algorithms use the constant threshold and adaptive (Dynamic) threshold techniques depending on the overall brightness of the frame but fail to meet the accuracy requirements of real-time applications. In this paper, a Color-Intelligent conversion method is proposed, which converts the RGB Color frames into BW (black and white) images. This proposed method understands the Color information, provides channelised RGB to Gray conversion, and then converts it into a black-and-white format using the proper threshold value. This colour-based threshold technique of RGB to BW conversion enhances the character information during conversion. It provides accurate black-and-white image data to OCR to improve the overall accuracy of the text extraction.

Black and White (BW) Image, Color-based Threshold Method, Constant Threshold Method, Dynamic Threshold Method, Flight Data Recorder (FDR), Gray Image, Optical Character Recognition (OCR).


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