1. Authorship Consistency Post-Acceptance
No Addition of New Authors:

Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, no new authors may be added to the author list. This policy ensures that all contributions have been appropriately reviewed and acknowledged during the peer review process.

Same Authors in Revised Article:

The authors listed in the accepted version of the manuscript must be the same in any subsequent revisions or final versions submitted for publication. Consistency in authorship is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the authorship and ensuring proper credit is attributed to the correct contributors.

2. Exceptions and Special Cases
Exceptional Circumstances:

In rare and exceptional circumstances, a request to add or remove an author after acceptance may be considered. Such requests must be accompanied by:

  • A detailed explanation for the change.
  • Written consent from all current authors and the author(s) to be added or removed.
  • Approval from the Editor-in-Chief or the editorial board.
Error in Authorship:

If an error in the authorship list is discovered post-acceptance (e.g., omission of a contributor), the correction process will follow the same procedure as outlined in Section 2.1. The request must provide a thorough justification for the oversight.

3. Responsibilities of Corresponding Author
Declaration of Authorship:

The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all co-authors have approved the final version of the manuscript and have agreed to its submission and any subsequent revisions.

Authorship Changes Communication:

The corresponding author must communicate any proposed changes in authorship to the editorial office as soon as possible and must obtain written consent from all involved parties as described in Section 2.1.

4. Compliance and Ethical Considerations
Adherence to Ethical Standards:

All authors must adhere to the ethical standards of authorship as outlined in the SSRG® Ethical Guidelines. This includes providing accurate and honest contributions and acknowledgements.


Any attempt to alter the authorship list without following the proper procedures will be considered a breach of ethical standards and may result in the retraction of the manuscript or other corrective actions as deemed appropriate by the Publisher.