Seismic Response of RC Building with Soft Stories
Hiten L. Kheni , Anuj K. Chandiwala. "Seismic Response of RC Building with Soft Stories", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V10(12),565-568 April 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
After 26th January 2001, Gujarat Earthquake and other earthquakes in India, there is a nation-wide attention to the seismic vulnerability assessment of existing buildings. The fundamental design concept of earthquake resistance design of structures is to make strong column- weak beam construction to ensure safety of user means during earthquake beams yield before columns collapse.[2] Many buildings that collapsed during the past earthquake exhibited exactly the opposite strong beam weak column behaviour means columns failed before the beams yielded mainly due to soft storey effect. The buildings with soft storey are very susceptible under earthquake load which create disasters. For proper assessment of the storey stiffness of buildings with soft storey, different models were analysed using software
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Seismic Analysis, Soft First Storey, Inter Storey Drift