Design of Sampling Scheme Based on Kullback-Liebler Information for Compliance Testing
Dr.D.Senthilkumar , S. Lakshmi , B.Esha Raffie. "Design of Sampling Scheme Based on Kullback-Liebler Information for Compliance Testing", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V13(7),326-330 July 2014. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
In this paper a possibility of designing the sampling scheme is discussed from the information theory. A design procedure for the Tightened-Normal-Tightened sampling scheme is established based on the Kullback – Liebler information and minimum sum of risk. A table giving the values of the parameter of TNT scheme of type TNTSS (nT,nN;c) indexed through the Average Quality Level and Limiting Quality Level is presented. The proposed procedure is simple and applicable to practical usage.
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Tightened - Normal -Tightened sampling scheme, Kullback – Liebler information ,Compliance testing, AQL and LQL.