Reactive Powder Concrete Using Fly Ash
Pankaj R. Kakad, Ganesh B. Gaikwad, Rajesh R. Hetkale, Dattatray S. Kolekar Prof. Yogesh Paul "Reactive Powder Concrete Using Fly Ash", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V22(8),380-383 April 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
As the concrete is a critical material for the construction of infrastructure facilities throughout the world. A new material known as Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is becoming available that differs significantly from traditional concretes. In RPC no aggregate used and contains small steel fibres that gives additional strength. RPC were produced in the laboratory fume by fly ash including water-to-binder (w/b) ratio, superplastisizers dosage, curing and the choice of silica fume, on the compressive and flexural to study the effect of replace the silica strength of the hardened materials.Reactive Powder Concrete is an ultra-high-strength and high ductility composite material cause of only fine sand are used in concrete which consumes volume of coarse aggregate. These materials include Portland cement, silica fume, quartz powder, fine sand, high-range water –reducer, water and steel fibres. It is one of the form of Ultra- High-Performance Concretes. RPC produces compressive strength in excess of 200 Mpa range. By using fine steel fibres RPC can achieves flexural strength up to 50 MPa. The energy absorption capacity of RPC is very high because fine aggregate used instead of course aggregate. RPC has compressive strength of 170 to 230 MPa and flexural strength of 30 to 50 MPa, depends on the type fibres used. Replacement of fly ash to silica fume is controls the heat of hydration and cost of concrete.
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Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC), Silica fume, Fly ash, Compressive Strength, Flexural strength.