An Anti-islanding Technique for Protection of Distribution Generation
V. RamaKrishna Prasad, Y. Nagaraja"An Anti-islanding Technique for Protection of Distribution Generation", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V23(4),177-182 May 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. published by seventh sense research group
This paper presents distribution generation (DG)
different size and technology connecting to distribution networks
in a system, and perturb associated with out-of phase reclosing
operation, anti-islanding sustained to be an cause where no clear
solution exists. This concept shows an auto ground approach that
is proposed in the DG protection. An exemplification system is
constructed by using the standard distribution apparatus and a
recluse controller and the distributed generators were tripped
through the high-speed communications circuit and were blocked
from closing back it is tested on the utility‘s distribution test line
model to a protection. The operation shows anti-islanding
detection time is approximately a cycle longer than the delay
associated with the application of the auto ground. Once the auto
ground is applied, the DG is disconnected within 4 cycles on over
current protection and applies to all DG types, the concept is
inherently scalable, is confiscable to various reclosing operations
and does not require additional equipment or setting changes at
the producer‘s site, and reduces the cost of equipment.
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energie/fr/commerce/racco rdement_distribution.html
Distributed generation, perturb, reclosuer, auto
grounding, islanding.