A Guaranteed Stable Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm to Reduced Computational Complexities
Naveen Kumar, Dr. Rajesh Mehra, Buddhi Prakash Sharma"A Guaranteed Stable Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform Algorithm to Reduced Computational Complexities", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V30(7),346-350 December 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and Fast
Fourier Transform is important in the field of Digital
Signal Processing, communication and filtering. But
now a new concept comes in Digital signal processing
is Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform. In this process
the Transform window is shifted one sample at a time
and this transform process is repeated continuously. In
this paper: Background and implementation issues, and
the advantages and disadvantages of the Sliding
Discrete Fourier Transform(SDFT) as compared with a
more traditional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The
Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform (SDFT) is
computationally stable but it also have some errors and
potential instabilities. A much more efficient Simple
Sliding Inverse DFT that makes sliding a serious
alternative to jumping between overlapping frames. In
digital signal processing (DSP) by applying a Sliding
Discrete Fourier Transform (SDFT) technique we are
removing ripple in side lobes of a spectrum. In this
method we receive an input signal which includes a
number of discrete samples taken at regular time
intervals, So as to remove the potential instabilities and
errors. Finally we assess the quality of transformations
based on the Sliding Discrete Fourier Transform
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Frequency Estimation, DFT, FFT, Sliding,