Oversampling Technique for Optimizing the Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio for A/D Converter
Sumit Grover, Dr. Rajesh Mehra"Oversampling Technique for Optimizing the Signal to Quantization Noise Ratio for A/D Converter", International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), V30(8),379-381 December 2015. ISSN:2231-5381. www.ijettjournal.org. published by seventh sense research group
The circuits we are using in daily life are processing
digital signals but the real world data or the data
sensed by the sensor are analog in nature and there
are very fewer sensors which are providing us the
digital data which means the data conversion is very
much important[8]. We know very well that whenever
we are converting the analog data to the digital
format we are going to take the samples of the analog
signal and the accuracy of this conversion process is
completely depend upon the number of samples and
the number of bits of data that is taken of the analog
signal[1]. During this transition, the error occurs in
the original signal and reconstructed signal is known
as quantization noise. This noise can be minimized by
using more number of bits or by increasing the
number of samples. The number of samples are
enhanced by oversampling technique, which will
directly increase the signal to noise ratio. In this
paper, some graph are explaining the impoved signal
to noise ratio in A/D by using oversampling
[1] Sanjit K Mitra “Digital Signal Processing” Tata McGRAWHill,
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Nacional de Telecommunicacoes, Aveiro, Portugal, pp. 15-18,
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Processing” Pearson Education, ISBN 978-81-317-0824-8 2007,
pp86-87, Second Edition, 2007.
[4] Gabor C. Temes “Oversampling A/D And D/A Converters”
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oregon State
University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA
[5] Sugreev Kaur, Rajesh Mehra, “High Speed and Area Efficient
2D DWT Processor based Image Compression" Signal & Image
Processing” An International Journal(SIPIJ) Vol.1, No.2,
December 2010
[6] Shaminder Kaur, Rajesh Mehra, “FPGA Implementation of
OFDM Transceiver using FFT Algorithm” International Journal of
Engineering Science and Technology (IJEST), ISSN : 0975-5462,
Vol. 4 No.04 April 2012
[7] Rajesh Mehra, Garima Saini, Sukhbir Singh, “FPGA based
high speed BCH encoder for wireless communication
applications”, Communication Systems and Network Technologies
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[8] Lipika Gupta, Rajesh Mehra, “Modified PSO based adaptive
IIR filter design for system identification on FPGA”, International
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[9] Rajesh Mehra, Abhishek Singh, “Real time RSSI error
reduction in distance estimation using RLS algorithm”, Advance
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pp661-665, 2013.
oversampling, A/D converter, multirate
signal processing, single-bit quantization, multi-bit