Computer Simulation of The Heat Load Scrutiny For Best Use of Cupula Furnace
MLA Style: Shadrack Mathew Uzoma, Tobinson A. Briggs "Computer Simulation of The Heat Load Scrutiny For Best Use of Cupula Furnace" International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 67.10 (2019):147-152.
APA Style:Shadrack Mathew Uzoma, Tobinson A. Briggs, Computer Simulation of The Heat Load Scrutiny For Best Use of Cupula Furnace International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, 67(10),147-152.
The cupola is a cylindrical steel shell that handles over 90% of iron from a blast furnace in the conversion process to iron castings and steel manufacture. Operational efficiencies of cupola had been tagged to fluctuate between 30% and 50%. The thermal performance limits were mainly experimental. Hence the need for validation employing computer simulation approach. In this work, the cupola or cupolette was designed to handle one ton of charge per heat per day. Mathematical models had been developed by the researchers to validate the stipulation; in there titled “Heat Load Analysis for Optimal Use of Cupola Furnace In Iron Castings and Steel Manufacture” [10]. Alumina (Al2O3) refractory was employed as the lining for the furnace. The refractory and shell thicknesses were varied within a reasonable range. The results of the cupola computer simulation confirmed the maximum thermal efficiency of 19.81% when the thickness of the refractory material is 115mm, and steel shell thickness is 5mm. It is worthy to note that the employment of cupola of larger sizes, also simulating the refractory lining of different materials, could tremendously boost the performance of the cupola furnace.
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[10] Tobinson A. Briggs and Shadrack Mathew Uzoma ?Heat Load Analysis For Optimal Use Of Cupula Furnace In Iron Castings And Steel Manufacturing? European Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research, Vol.6, No.1, pp.32-43, April 2019, Print ISSN: ISSN 2055-6551(Print), Online ISSN: ISSN 2055-656X(Online)
Cupola, Blast furnace, Iron castings and steel manufacture, Operational efficiency, Alumina Refractory, computer simulation, and shell thicknesses.